The Cursed Dark Web: everything about the dark web (#part1)

 We all use apps and sites like Google, Youtube, Instagram or any other website that can be opened with the help of a normal browser. This is the normal web or also known as THE SURFACE WEB.

The surface web is just the 4 or 5% of the internet and we all know that how vast is this internet. Almost everyone uses internet in this world. So the question is WHAT IS THAT 95% OF THE INTERNET?

We can divide the internet into 3 parts

1. The Surface Web  

2.The Deep web 

3. The Dark Web   

We just talked about the Surface Web and the next one is THE DEEP WEB.

Deep Web is not like the Surface Web, it is a little hard to access it but not impossible. When you enter The Deep Web you become ANONYMOUS. By saying anonymous I mean that your identity is now hidden.

Anyone can be anonymous and trade or buy anything here. Your privacy is really maintained in the Deep Web, the privacy which we are losing on the surface web is maintained on the Deep Web.

But what if I tell you that somehow we all have used the Deep Web atleast one time in our life. 

Will you trust me? It doesn't matter whether you trust me or not but any website where you need to sign in and type your password that is connected with the Deep Web. After you enter your username or password it stores in the place called DEEP WEB.

Deep Web is really important because the user details are stored there but some fishy things happen there too...

Now if you want to access the deep web you can't just access with a normal browser, you have to use a different browser for that which is THE ONION ROUTER .

It has the name Onion browser because like an onion has so many layers so does the browser, which actually means that your identity becomes hidden under these layers, because of the changing addresses your identity becomes anonymous . 

Because the identity will be hidden this is the reason why so many Criminals come on the deep web and do illegal things . For example selling drugs, selling weapons and even selling HUMAN ORGANS!...

This was just the part 1 of The Dark Web wait for the part 2 as I work on it. The link for the 2nd part will be provided soon as I complete that. Till then BYEEE AND HAPPY READING...


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